Shrink Film

From meat trays to club store multi packs, clear shrink wrap seals neatly and conforms to all sizes and shapes of retail packaging.
Shrink film "shrinks" tight to form a durable, attractive package-time after time, even on the most difficult-to-wrap products.
A wide range of film grades is available to ensure product protection, optimum package appearance, high production speeds, moisture barrier properties and recovery from in-store handling.
- Artwork
- Books
- Bottles
- Boxes
- Candles
- Chocolates
- Cookies / Crackers
- Dry grocery
- Frames / Mirrors
- Frozen food
- Furniture
- Games
- Gardening products
- Magazines
- Paper goods
- Perfumes
- Personal care products
- Pharmaceuticals
- Posters
- Software
- Spare parts
- Sports gear
- Toys
- .... and much more...